Thursday 19 April 2007

[5] NO 03974 95805 Glen Derry footbridge

3/9/07 Karen (Jo and Sheila)

Stopped here on the way back from Loch Etchachan to pick up our bikes. The drains are a bit of a pain but still quicker than running -just!

13/10/07 Dave, Kathy, Derek and Evelyn
Second attempt for me and Kathy (see Luibeg point). Again I broke my chain but this time I had the tool to fix it. Biked in from the Mar Lodge bridge. Took the path on the west side of the Derry out, but the east side back. The west path is bumpy and has lots of roots, whereas the east path has lots of drains to cross. Personally I preferred the drains to the roots. The views on the higher Eastern path are better. The second picture was taken from there, somewhere near the bridge. We were on our way to Loch Etchachan.

01/9/07- Peter.
Run round Ben Macdui taking in (4) Luibeg Burn, (3) Loch Etchachan, and (5) Glen Derry footbridge.

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