Thursday 19 April 2007

[6] NO 06854 93325 Clais Fearnaig

14/11/07 Karen (+Jo and Malcolm Croll) A cold and wet day and very wet underfoot. We walked in from Linn of dee car park.

30/06/07 Dave and Kathy. Followed in the wheel tracks of Gary from the Quoich ford. Actually, after 3 weeks they were probably some other Challenger. The ride through this little glen is what you might call 'good technical practice'. It is a great spot, there is a limestone outcrop here and lots of interesting vegetation. One of the limestone scree slopes was covered in rockrose and the very attractive round-leaved wintergreen, which is Near-Threatened in the British Red Data Book for Vascular Plants and only found in 42 10km squares in Great Britain - quite a good find!.

08/06/07 Gary

After the Quoich Ford I headed up Clas Fearnaig. I was soon off the bike and walking up. Once the climbing finishes you can ride through the valley although the chances of ripping off a mech are high with lots of jagged rocks everywhere. Once through you are rewarded with a fantastic descent down to Glen Derry.

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