Thursday, 19 April 2007

[46] NJ 44408 00545 S shore of Loch Davan

11/05/07 Karen and Jo. Reached this point by bike after visiting points 60 and 61

06/05/07 Derek and Evelyn
Managed to get this one while timing Christine's course for the May handicap.
Thought about Sarah's 3-point route but it was too blustery a day for along run so we just toddled around.

04/05/07 Sarah + Jon

Linked this with [45] and [47] as described for Redburn. Started at the E reserve car park, only 5 minutes away. Photo not quite as atmospheric as Dave's.

26/04/07 Dave H
Ran here from the Raebush road junction, through the reserve. There is a viewing platform in a tree, presumably to count geese from. No geese today but it is a nice place to sit until you remember you are supposed to be training. Only takes 10 mins to get here but I went on round the reserve to the Vat Burn.

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