Wednesday, 18 April 2007

[93] NO 57488 99185 R Dee near Carlogie

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24/11/07 Sarah

Cycled round to Carlogie from home in ~30 minutes. Would only have taken ~10 mintes to run from home, but the Dee crossing didn't seem to appealing just now.

22/09/07 Kathy.
Nipped off to do this , my 50th point, while everyone was running up Morven. Will celebrate at the BBQ!

14/09/07 Dave H. Came the same way as D+E, although I drove most of the way, parking not far beyond the 'Strictly private' sign. From there it is a very short bike ride indeed. Can't be more than 2km. The river here feels rather different to a lot of the Dee, there are no roads or houses to be seen, just the wide river and lots of trees.

05/08/07 Evelyn & Derek

After lunch of banana sandwich (Ev) and pork pie (me) (morning at 96 and 97) we set off for 93.

Its an easy bike, mostly on road - only problem being the "Strictly Private" sign, which we (uncomfortably) ignored. Anyway we got there, snapped a piccie and got out of Dodge fast.

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