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12/11/07 Dave H
Followed Sarah's route - the point is only 5 mins from Aboyne - carrying on to the ILPH road. D+E must have taken the marked route through the gate which leads onto a very narrow and overgrown path just over the wall from a perfectly easy field. Ran down to ILPH but didn't see an easy way to the river. Instead followed a path (marked by arrows, probably for horse riders) along the north edge of Bell Wood, until I had to cut though the trees to the new path Sarah mentions. Nice and easy half hour run. Nothing especially interesting to photograph, so took a picture of a tree.
12/11/07 Dave H
16/09/07 Sarah
Took this one in running home from the swimming pool. Approaching from the Aboyne end I took the N track through Bell Wood. There's a lovely new path from a big track junction that takes you right up to the corner of the woods next to the old road. You could do a pleasant short circuit going back round through Bell Wood from here. Alternatively, if you turn R along the old road there's a perfectly good way-marked path (I think D + E must have been unlucky with the conditions). It's worth avoiding the section where the path goes into an overgrown enclosure - stay in the grassy field with the cows and you rejoin the path 100m further on. When you reach the tarmac road turn R to the ILPH farm and follow a track down towards the river. Turn R at the bottom and follow it back to come back into the BellWood at the SE corner and return through the paths in the woods. This is a good route both on foot or bike. Today I carried on on the remnants of the old road until it rejoins the A93, then back home up through the fields. No photo because it would have been a crappy photo of a not specially scenic spot in the rain!
04/08/07 Evelyn and Derek
We thought this would be an easy one and reckoned we'd earned it after a hard day in the
garden in the rain - but it wasn't. We came in from the Dess end and immediately the Old Aboyne Road became the Old Aboyne mudbath. Soldiering on in true x-country fashion we eventually reached a nice ramblers gate (looking good we thought) then another (this is promising) and then......wilderness - gorse, bracken, nettles, the lot. We pushed on to the GPS point and rather than suffer it all again in reverse, tried to find the main road instead. Totally disoriented we ran through several fields of mud but did eventually reach the road and back to the car. Did I mention the rain - tipping it down all day and you can possibly see by Ev's pained expression that it was no better for our run.
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