Thursday, 19 April 2007

[41] NJ 38208 05375 Preas Whin (eagle sculpture)

13/06/07 Karen and Jo. We parked near Logie Coldstone and followed the landrover tracks up to this interesting feature. Didn't find it right away!

14/10/07 Evelyn and Derek

We parked slighly north of the junction at NJ421 080 and on the way down the road, we stopped to speak to the 'Clootie mannie' who lives at Sunnybrae. He was very helpful about route - "you'll get some quality scenery up there".

We (mistakenly) turned in at NJ421 075 but it turned out ok. Its a steady climb up to the far edge of the woods. Immediately after going through gate, turn left and take a nice track (SW) parallel to the drystane dike. Eventually you reach the track Dave would have come up on (you can go back this way).

Quite a lot of climbing still to go but once at the hut/statue its another world - great views and total silence (apart from nature's own sounds).

27/07/07 Dave H
One foot got better, and the other got injured, so I'm still on the bike. Rode in from near Tillypronie, along the track that goes SW from the junction of the A97 and the Migvie road. Straightforward track ride, with good views of the north side of Morven. The sculpture was made out of scrap metal by Helen Denerley who lives just about 5km away. Don't know if the gamekeeper has tried to poison it yet.

26/8/7- Peter. Mean looking beastie!

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